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19 Sep 2011


Flooding, 2011: Greater Damage to the Thai Agricultural Sector (Current Issue No. 2262)

Flooding in 2011 has been severe and already caused widespread damage greater than last year that showed record-breaking losses to the country. In 2011, some areas were repeatedly hit by flooding as a result of tropical storm Nok-Ten and low air pressure that triggered heavy rains, forest run-off flash flooding, landslides and extensive flooding, thus affecting the agricultural sector, e.g., rice cultivation, animal husbandry and fisheries, particularly for freshwater aquaculture.
It is reported that flooding this year, which arrived around one month prior to what had been typically seen in the past, will likely cause damage to wider area than in 2010. The flooding started at the end of August this year, but began at the end of September in 2010.

Issues that should be monitored include the influence on the agricultural sector by tropical storms that usually occur in October-November. Consequently, some areas may face another round of flooding, thus possibly causing even more severe damage to agriculture than in 2010. Although KResearch initially forecasts that the damage may reach THB20 billion, or 1.3 percent of the agricultural sector GDP, the figure is higher than 2010 record that has been the highest loss caused by flooding. This is due to wider affected area and the higher prices of farm produce in the market.
