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30 Mar 2022

Econ Digest

When infected with COVID-19...how to exercise rights and claim insurance?


        After the cancellation of UCEP-COVID rights, many people are still confused as to whether or not they are eligible for free treatment if they are infected with COVID-19. Can they file an insurance claim? The answer lies in what color category our symptoms are categorized as, and how to receive treatment.
        On March 16, 2022, the Ministry of Public Health canceled the UCEP rights and allowed the treatment of COVID-19 patients to return to the normal process. This means that patients can be entitled to free treatment according to their rights, whether it is a gold card, social security or civil servant welfare, or they choose to pay for it by themselves with health insurance and COVID -19 coverage with their insurance company, or they use multiple coverage rights. However, the above will depend on the patient’s symptoms and what color category the risks are classified as, i.e. red, yellow or green? The Ministry of Public Health has defined new criteria for the treatment of the three color categories.
        Patients whose symptoms are categorized in red, or patients with severe pneumonia and oxygen deprivation are also entitled to the UCEP rights and can be admitted to a hospital. Patients classified as yellow or with mild symptoms, but with risk factors for severe disease/comorbidities as indicated, can be treated in hospitals (including hospital and field hospitals) using their free medical entitlement, depending on their affiliation. Patients classified in these two colors are not in dispute for filing insurance claims because they are inpatients. Patients classified as green or asymptomatic or with mild symptoms are isolated at home and in the community according to the doctor’s order, and still receive free treatment rights, but their insurance claims make detailed provision for medical expenses and compensation. For example, in the case of outpatients (OPD), reimbursement is based on actual expenses but not exceeding the policy limits. In the case of inpatients (IPD), reimbursement is based on actual expenses, but not exceeding THB 12,000. Daily compensation/income compensation must have RT-PCR results, compensation will be for a maximum of 14 days, and must also meet other condition guidelines set out by the OIC and is effective from November 1, 2021 to May 16, 2022.

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Econ Digest