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11 Apr 2023


Hydrogen technology… Expected increase in demand for renewable energy to drive green hydrogen production (Current Issue No.3402 Full Ed.)


        Hydrogen is an alternative energy to replace fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases. It can be utilized in the industrial sector, houses, vehicles, and electricity generation. Several countries have plans for hydrogen deployment as well as measures to attract more investment in hydrogen technology.

        Even though hydrogen combustion does not generate greenhouse gas, the hydrogen production process may cause indirect greenhouse gas emissions from the use of natural gas (grey hydrogen). One practical technology adoption is electrolysis – using electricity generated from renewable energy to produce green hydrogen. Another potential adaptation is grey hydrogen produced with carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology, turning to blue hydrogen.

        As for Thailand, initial business investment would be among large energy companies. The focus is to produce green and blue hydrogen for electricity generation and use at their companies within the same industrial estates. Plus, the hydrogen can be transformed to synthetic fuels for further use – no need to transport or process the hydrogen for use elsewhere.

        KResearch holds the view that if the use of hydrogen as a clean energy to replace fossil fuels in the general business sector is to expand beyond large energy companies, attention must be paid to related issues and operations to drive more extensive use. The initial focus would be on grey and blue hydrogen. Further action must be taken to address the multiple challenges, while government support may be required to scale up green hydrogen production and usage across the entire supply chain. Meanwhile, private investment in the short and medium term should emphasize preparation for production and use of renewable energy – such as bioenergy, biomass, wind, hydro and solar – to be sufficient for cost-effective production and future demand for green hydrogen.

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