Since everyone has to face problems affecting health and daily life such as PM2.5 dust, climate variability and the outbreak of COVID-19, it has made consumers aware of and more concerned about environmental issues. KResearch has conducted a survey on consumers’ behavior and their perspectives, regarding environmental sustainability issues and environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment trends, and found that:
Environmental issues that affect consumers’ daily life the most are pollution such as wastewater, PM2.5 and waste. As a result, consumers have begun to change their lifestyle to help reduce environmental problems, including reducing or refraining from using disposable packaging and using more products or packaging made from biodegradable natural materials. The most popular categories of eco-friendly products and services among consumers are food and beverage, followed by consumer goods and personal products such as soap, shampoo and detergent powder. As these two categories of products are used daily, most consumers believe that consuming quality eco-friendly products will be safe and should be supported. However, consumers are willing to pay for eco-friendly products and services within a range of no more than 20% of the normal price.
As for consumers’ perspective on ESG investment, it is found that 95.8% of respondents view that businesses should incorporate ESG issues into their business operations, and 85.7% take ESG issues into account when making investment decisions. Moreover, most respondents (34.3%) will allocate 10-20% of their investments in companies that contribute to a better society and environment, while the ESG businesses of most interest to consumers are those related to renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy and hydropower (72.8%), followed by biotechnology such as biodegradable or eco-friendly plastics (50.1%), and food and beverage technology such as plant-based foods (46.7%).
Therefore, to meet the needs of consumers, businesses need to seek business strategies and practices that are appropriate to the current environment and situation.
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