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5 Jan 2022

Econ Digest

Metaverse in Manufacturing Industries…How to Improve Efficiency in the Real World?


        Recently , the concept of the ‘metaverse’ has been attracting more attention worldwide. Operators planning to utilize the metaverse in their businesses are primarily focused on seeking new forms of business opportunities in the consumer market, whether it is a new retail sales channel or a new form of tourism via virtual reality.
        Nonetheless, the metaverse technology could potentially be applied to the organizational market, particularly the manufacturing industry, in order to enhance supply chain management from product design and procurement to production and warehouse management. At present, major operators in many industries around the world, especially in the automotive industry and electronics industry, have begun to apply Metaverse technology in the industry for trial use. However, the application of the metaverse in the manufacturing industry is still at an early phase, and will tend to become more intricate as technology develops in the forthcoming period.
        For an investment to apply the Metaverse to a supply chain in manufacturing to be successful, in addition to the amount invested and the cooperation of partners in the supply chain, the business must rely on various components that operators must research and prepare, especially the business information security systems of the parties involved.  Operators may need to gradually invest in the metaverse for specific areas deemed worthwhile to their own operations in order to reduce risks that could affect the supply chain as a whole if businesses were to invest in all areas simultaneously. At the same time, investment amounts should be kept at a manageable level.

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Econ Digest