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8 Jul 2020


Extension of Relief Measures for SMEs Keeps Economic and Financial Systems Intact (Current Issue No.3123)


             The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has adversely affected both the business sector and households, with SMEs being the major casualty. For this reason, financial assistance measures are geared towards SMEs during 1H20. Since a debt moratorium, which is one of those important measures, is due to expire in October 2020, a question has been raised whether it is still necessary, or not.

            ​High uncertainty surrounding the current economic situation may prompt the relevant Thai authorities to consider extending relief projects or introducing additional assistance measures. Such examples can be seen in many relief programs implemented abroad. KResearch projects that if such assistance programs or measures are extended, the Thai commercial banking system will be able to sustain the Tier 1 Capital Ratio at roughly 13-14 percent, which is considered a high level. Meanwhile, Thai authorities should consider offering assistance measures to financial institutions, as well, so that all parties can overcome this difficult time together.  
